
I started my fitness journey with 901 Fitness in Nov. 2022. I heard it was the place to work out and that’s what motivated to get me started here. Some of my goals when I first started were to lose fat, tone an strengthen. I am currently still working on those same goals. My greatest accomplishments so far are seeing muscles I have not seen since I was 20!! My biggest struggle has been my diet (chips and pizza has been hard to let go lol)
My advice to new members/clients is, just show up, the rest will work itself out! My favorite thing about my workouts at 901 Fitness is definitely the people. They have created a culture of inclusivity and I love it! Jay and everyone here make the gym feel like home!
Ashlyn Pettigrew

I Started my fitness journey with 901 Fitness in August of 2022. A coworker of mine had started personal training at 901 Fitness a month earlier and suggested them because of the friendly and welcoming staff plus affordable pricing. Initially my goals were to lose fat, weight, and to gain muscle. I weighed in in August at 233lbs at 43.5% body fat. As of Feb 2023, I weighed in at 153 Lbs. and 25.3% body fat (6 month totals 80 Lbs. lost and 18% down in body fat)! My original goal weight was 150 Lbs., I will be able to check that off my list and we have set other goals up on achieving 18%-20% body fat and strengthening my lower body.
My greatest achievement so far is dropping the 80 Lbs., I feel so much better! My biggest struggles have been maintaining a healthy diet and fitness goals, but the coaches at 901 Fitness have been fantastic on helping me stay focused! My advice to new clients/members would be stay consistent and be patient, you will see results! My favorite thing about my work outs at 901 Fitness is the ending jk! Jay Always encourages or motivates me to do my best. I feel accomplished knowing that I put in a good work out for the day!

Maria Garcia

My fitness journey started in the summer of 2021.  Honestly, I had just had surgery and felt my heaviest and unhealthiest.  It was not a comforting feeling, and I knew I had to do something about it or else I was going to dig myself into a deeper whole. When I began, some of my goals included to burn fat, tone and build more muscle, and strengthen my heart. Overall, I just wanted to genuinely feel healthier and more confident.  Now, my goals maintain the same except for a few more additions.  Now, I want to build off of this foundation I have with weight training and cardio.  I want to heighten the intensity and difficulty and just really push myself to keep progressing. One of the most satisfying things about training was the moment that you realized you were going to have to increase the difficulty in any given area because what you had already been doing became easy. Some of my greatest achievements were during HIIT days. When I first started, my body ACTUALLY could not handle cardio.  After my sessions with Jay, HIIT days became my favorites. (If anyone has ever experienced Jay’s HIIT days, they are probably laughing at me because those days were the toughest) However, seeing my growth and strength over time and the way my body was beginning to handle those workouts, it was honestly a very accomplishing and euphoric feeling. My advice to new clients would be to REALLY listen and push yourself.  The hardest step is actually going to the gym. His only job is to help, and he is the expert, so sometimes you might think “I can’t take it.” But he knows, and now I know, that the only barrier and obstacle is yourself. You got this! That was one of my favorite parts of the workout! The drive and motivation and empowerment he give to his clients—truly inspiring. When I come back into town, I am definitely going to have to set up some sessions with him. He changed my life.

Zain Amro

I started my fitness journey on and off beginning the age of 19. What motivated me to start was to keep my body healthy due to my childhood cancer. Wanted to give my body the best chance down the road after my kidney transplant. As a RN and kidney transplant patient I found comfort and confidence in fitness. Not only physically but mentally and emotionally. My biggest struggle has always been increasing my cardio endurance. My goals now vs in the past is to be more well rounded in fitness. Not just focus on weight training, but also incorporating Pilates, yoga, boxing etc to increase my cardiovascular health. Along with gaining muscle weight. My favorite things about 901 fitness is the consistent challenge, avoiding that “fitness runt”. This is YOUR journal mold it and manipulate it to work for YOU.

Jessica Lizardo

When did you start your fitness journey with 901 Fitness?
Oct 2017

What motivated you to start at 901 Fitness?
Affordable membership, clean facilities, friendly staff, and great equipment.

What were some of your goals when you started?
Fat loss and muscle/strength gains.

What are your goals now?

What have been your greatest achievements?
Achieving my powerlifting PRs: bench 155, dead 315, squat 285.

What were/are your biggest struggles?
Maintaining fitness goals during pandemic.

What advice would you give to new clients/members?
Find a way to be consistent with your fitness goals and see it as a lifestyle, not a chore or hobby.

What is your favorite thing about your workouts at 901 Fitness?
Flexible hours make consistent work outs much easier.

E. Grace Cho

I started my fitness journey with 901 Fitness in April of 2021. I am  middle aged now and felt like it was so important for me to be healthier and I wanted to get into better shape. Judging from my past attempts at this on my own, I wasn’t optimistic at the longevity of my gym experience without getting a trainer. I did a bunch of research deciding to try 901 Fitness first and it has been just what I needed. Some of my goals when I first started was to strengthen the muscles around my joints and bones helping to alleviate some of my chronic pain and of coarse look great. My current goals are the same, I just want to keep improving on and maintaining them as well as lowering my bodyfat. My greatest achievement’s so far has been for the most part sticking to it! My strength and mobility have increased and I love seeing those muscle lines! My biggest struggle has been working through all my joint pain and health issues while trying to stay consistent. Jay is very patient and encouraging though which helps tremendously. My best advice for new members is don’t give up, it takes time and effort. A trainer is a great decision, especially if you are just starting out. Choose 901 Fitness you wont regret it. My favorite part of all this is probably that I don’t have to think at all. I show up, Jay tells me what to do, I do it, and its working! There are also so many work out options, he constantly switching things up so I don’t get bored.
Crystal White

I started my fitness journey around March of 2021. My older sister motivated me to start. She started going to 901 fitness earlier in the year and training with Jay a few times a week  She was loving it/seeing results and spoke very highly of Jay. All of that motivated me to get a membership at 901 fitness and begin my fitness journey training with Jay and her multiple times a week

Some of my goals when I started were to get my diet clean and make a new habit of working out at least 4-5 times a week. I also had some more specific goals like being able to run a mile consistently and even being able to do push ups (ha ha). My goals now are to maintain a workout routine and continue going to the gym 4-5 times a week and continue a healthy diet, incorporating more protein. My greatest achievements were making that habit of getting to the gym 5 times a week and actually seeing the results in my body and feeling healthier overall in every aspect. My biggest struggles are fighting laziness and the urge to put off the gym everyday. I also have the biggest sweet tooth which definitely messes with my cleaner eating. Eating enough protein in one day is also a great challenge for me. Some advice I would give is to just keep motivated and get yourself into the gym and deal with the rest from then on. If you can just get up and get to the gym and make a habit of it, it will all get easier and more enjoyable. Make your goal to be healthier and feel better in general and have fun doing it. My favorite thing about my workouts is how I feel afterwards and also seeing the progress I make in my workouts- going up in weights, running a distance in a shorter time, doing more reps, etc. and having fun doing it. 
Halima Amro

When did you start your fitness journey with 901 Fitness?

July 2007… seriously July 5, 2009

What motivated you to start at 901 Fitness?

Health was going in the wrong direction. I was more than 300 pounds. My biggest was 350 pounds. I was 297 on July 3, 2009.

What were some of your goals when you started?

10-minute mile on the treadmill, personal marks of increase in certain weight exercises and consistency with cardio and weights

What are your goals now?

Certain heart rates, 10,000 steps a day, maintaining strength on weights

What have been your greatest achievements?

Losing 125 pounds, a dozen pull-ups, 60 tire flips on Mondays, new looking body and my health numbers are solid.

What were/are your biggest struggles?

Proper diet was a big battle. Had limited mobility 12 years ago. Now the stir climber is one of my biggest challenges!

What advice would you give to new clients/members?

Be consistent, ask questions and learn your gym. Then validate your hard work with an honest diet.

What is your favorite thing about your workouts at 901 Fitness?

1. My gym family
2. That cardio/runner’s high
3. Power/strength training
4. Looking good or better in my clothes
5. Staff and team knowing you personally

Thomas Sellers

1. When did you start you fitness journey with 901 Fitness?
2. What motivated you to start?
3. What were some of your goals when you started?
4. What are your goals now?
5. What has been you greatest achievements?
6. What were/are your biggest struggles?


8. What’s you favorite thing you like most about 901 Fitness?
Tori Nettles

I started with 901 fitness in 2020. I was motivated to start with 901 Fitness because,  it was close my home, clean facility and staff is very nice. My goal when I started 901 Fitness was weight loss and strength training. My greatest achievements are weight loss, feeling healthy and more energy. One of my biggest struggle was staying focused.
My advice for a new member…stay focus …never give up….find a workout partner. My favorite thing about my workouts at 901Fitness is training with “J” because he pushing me when I am not giving my best and the encouragement is uplifting!!!
Mona Mathis

When did you start your fitness journey?
I started my fitness journey in the year 2000.

What motivated you to start?
Comic book characters motivated me to challenge my physique. I always admired the physiques of characters like Spider-Man, Hulk, Superman, etc. After high-school, I challenged myself to get as close to that physique as possible.

What were some of your goals when you started?
I was always a small frame guy, so gaining mass was the #1 goal. I needed to put on weight, but it was not easy.

What are your goals now?
One goal is always to keep my mass on, the healthiest way possible. Because I have a high metabolism, keeping weight on is a constant task. Through this method, another goal is to present a better package next year. I’m always after a new, bigger and better ME.

What have been your greatest achievements?
I competed in my first bodybuilding show as a Men’s Physique athlete in 2018. 2019, I won 1st place in my class and overall, on a NPC stage. That same year I won my Natural Pro card. 2020, I competed on a NPC National stage as a Natural Athlete. 2021, I competed in my first Natural pro show.

What were/are your biggest struggles?
My biggest struggles are living life without fitness and keeping weight on. I don’t see life without fitness, its has changed my life dramatically and has given me best outlet for life’s stressors. Keeping weight on is always going to be a thing, but it just gives me fuel to always pursue more for myself.

 What advice would you give to new clients/members? 
I would tell new members to take advantage of the classes that are offered, because they are awesome! And let Jay know what your “thing” is, he is a great motivator of those seriously chasing their  personal fitness goals.  He can also help you, especially with the knowledge he has obtained over the years. Awesome guy!
What is your favorite thing about your workouts at 901 Fitness?
I love the fact that 901 fitness operates as family.  Everyone shows respect for each other and supports whatever fitness goals you set for yourself.  Also, everyone respects personal space and is super kind to one another. I especially love the fact that Jay, the owner, promotes fitness the way he does.  He even has members that are fitness enthusiasts on the this wall called THE WALL OF FAME, to encourage those with fitness dreams and goals to continue to go after them.
Arthur Covington

When did you start your fitness journey with 901 Fitness?
I started my fitness journey with 901 Fitness in February 2021.

What motivated you to start at 901 Fitness?
With the pandemic going on, I had taken it upon myself to try and get healthy while stuck in doors. However, after months of trying, I felt like I was struggling to meet any of my goals. I finally decided to seek some more professional, individualized help to steer me in the right direction.

What were some of your goals when you started?
My biggest goal was to get healthy, of course. I’m not getting any younger and I had some very lazy habits, so I wanted to make sure I start conditioning myself to workout and be healthy while I’m still young. I had a small weight loss goal, as well (10-15 lbs).

What are your goals now?
Definitely to keep being heart healthy and making sure I devote time in my busy week to workout. I also want to make sure I eat mostly heathy meals, to stay true to my goals. Consistency is key.

What have been your greatest achievements?
After about 2 months of personal training at 901 Fitness with Jay, I had gone down by 3-4% body fat (which is crazy for me). It only inspired me more to keep pushing myself to workout and eat right.

What were/are your biggest struggles?
My biggest struggle is always diet. I love food. And sometimes, I don’t feel motivated to workout, but that’s ok! As long as I’m pretty consistent, a day off here and there doesn’t discourage me!

What advice would you give to new clients/members?
HEALTHY DIET!!! I can’t express this enough. You can go workout 5 days a week, but if you’re putting down some bad food, it won’t matter how much you workout. Try and incorporate a healthier diet slowly (trade snacks and breads for healthier options) and use a food diary app (I used lose it!) to enable you to see what kind of food you eat on a regular basis and how many calories/macronutrients you’re getting on a daily basis.

What is your favorite thing about your workouts at 901 Fitness?
My favorite thing about 901 Fitness is the people. Jay is the most dedicated trainer and you can truly see his sincerity in wanting his trainees to reach their goals. It’s always a great workout, too, because Jay mixes it up every time with something new. The staff at 901 Fitness has a ton of fitness experience and they make sure the environment is welcoming to everyone. I recently moved away from Memphis, but I truly mean it when I say how saddened I was to have to leave 901 Fitness; it felt like I was leaving family. I have them to thank for helping me get on my feet and bringing me to where I am in my fitness journey today!

Noor Amro

When did you start your fitness journey with 901 Fitness?

What motivated you to start at 901 Fitness?

What were some of your goals when you started?

What are your goals now?

What have been your greatest achievements?

What were/are your biggest struggles?

What advice would you give to new clients/members?

What is your favorite thing about your workouts at 901 Fitness?

Taisha Williamson

 In August, 2019 I decided to focus on self preservation. Since joining 901 Fitness and having self endurance. I can see the accomplishment of my goal. Thanks to God, Thanks for being a part of the 901 Fitness Family. Thanks for my Trainers Jay and Garcia and Thanks to myself for believing in myself







Barbara Williams

Hi! I started attending 901Fitness in the late fall of 2023. My goals were to get ripped, pumped and toned! My body has done a major transformation from then to now! I can feel the firmness in my thighs and biceps! My biggest accomplishment is I am able to run for 10minutes straight now before I start feeling like I’m running out of breath. That comes from consistently getting on the treadmill before each workout! I didn’t see that coming! My balance is way better than what it was before! Those two things were my biggest struggle and at times they still are but they are definitely necessary and it is getting better with each session! My advice to new clients would be to remember why the gym crossed your mind in the first place! That alone will motivate you to get to the gym for your session and if one day motivation is just not enough, discipline will do the trick! My sessions with J are one on one and customized to my body and my goals. J is very knowledgeable about fitness! He’s a beast! Calm, firm guy! Absolutely love him and so glad that I joined this gym! Sometimes the sessions are small groups and that makes it’s even better because I get to meet others and find out what’s their goals and I get a boost of motivation! Can’t go wrong at 901Fitness!

Cashaina Brooks

  1. I started my fitness journey Janurary 2023.
  2. My motivation to start was to work on my discipline and to cope with my mother passing away.
  3. My goals when I started were to be able to breathe better and like how my body looks in my clothes.
  4. My goals now are to inspire others, to get abs, and be able to run marathons.
  5. My biggest accomplishment has become no longer being prediabetic and my ankles not being all swollen and ugly from working out.
  6. My biggest struggle was to keep pushing despite what I’m going through in my personal and professional life but I kept at it because no one is going to save you but you.
  7. Keep going no matter what your reason is and feel free to ask Coach Jay when I’m working out so you can catch a session with me I’d love to meet you no matter where you are in your journey it gets easier.
  8. My favorite things about my workouts are talking to Coach Jay and Garcia, the connections I’ve made, and the feeling I have after working out the mental clairty.
Jasmine Pixley

  1. When did you start your fitness journey?
    June 2023, but fell off exercise and diet plan. Recommitted in April 2024.
  2. What motivated you to start?
    Vanity! I wanted to lose weight and feel confident about my body.
  3. What were some of your goals when you started?
    Simply to get in shape and lose weight.
  4. What are your goals now?
    My overall goal is to lose 50lbs by the end of the year.
  5. What has been your greatest accomplishment at 901 Fitness?
    Making it through the Murph Challenge!!!
  6. What were or are your biggest struggles?
    Telling myself that I can’t do a certain exercise because it’s outside my comfort zone.
  7. What advice would you give to new clients/members?
    Take advantage of the personal training sessions! If you’re like me, you’re not going to push yourself at the gym. The personal training sessions have definitely helped me get comfortable with more challenging exercises and I’m seeing results.
  8. What is your favorite thing about you work outs at 901 Fitness?
    Definitely the people! 901 Fitness is comprised of different age groups, different fitness levels, and different workout styles! You’ll be surrounded by positive energy and inspiration to stay committed to your fitness plan and weight loss goals.
Roshaunda Burwell